Performance reflection

Term 1
Since this was my first year in Hwa Chong, more specifically the first term in Hwa Chong. Therefore I had no idea of the standard and difficulty of HCI's Science test. Therefore, I decided to set my target at B4 since we need a B4 to pass. Nonetheless, I still studied hard and prepared for the imminent test. Apparently, I found the test somewhat easy where I manage to answer all the questions without much effort. Maybe it was because our kind teacher had mercy on us; maybe it was because I spent quite a large amount of time preparing for this Science test. But whatever it was, I was indeed thankful and elated that the test was quite easy. In the end, I actually manage to clinch a high A1,scoring 35 out of 40! I was rather impressed with myself as never did I thought that I would actually receive an A1, let alone a high A1! I decided not to gloat over my success as I was afraid that I would become too proud and eventually lead to my downfall. I decided that I would just revise all the worksheets and praticals that we have done in class everyday bit by bit so that i would be well-prepared for the upcoming Science test.

Term 2
In term 2, although I still managed to retain my A1, my results dropped by a little. My marks were 29.5/38, which was a pretty low A1. Though it was not a big drop-not even a great drop, but I felt it was a great setback as 9 out of 10 of my mistakes were due to plain carelessness. All my mistakes could have been easily avoided if I had the time to check  after completing it. But unfortunately, I had barely a minute left after completing the whole paper. But I felt that this term's test paper was undoubtedly a notch higher than term one's in terms of difficulty. I realised that this was truly the standard of a usual HCI science paper. From then on, I decided to work harder and be more careful in the next test. Although this test was quite hard, I believe that this isn't the hardest that I will get so I would always have to be "on guard".

Term 3
This would be the final test before our End-of Year exmas for Science. Therefore, this test would be the closest gauge to the standard of the EOY. Again, I did score my A1, but I did not improve nor deprove. I scored 30/40, which was almost the same as last term's score. But the difference was that, for this test, the mistakes I made were not because of carelessness, but because I truly did not know what the answer was. I felt that I was not exposed to enough questions therefore I was unable to answer some of the questions in the exam paper. Furthermore, I concentrated more on other subjects as I assumed that Science would be a breeze as usual. I only revised the day before the actual science exam. I truly hope that I would at least be able to maintain my current score for the upcoming Science EOY. Therefore, I definitely have to pull up my socks as I believe that the Science EOY would test all the stuff we have learnt in the whole year